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March 13 - March 15, 2025


Mountain Bike Rules

NUE Rules

The True Grit Epic is the season opener for the NUE Series.

The National Ultra Endurance Series Rules apply to all racers who enter a NUE EPIC or MARATHON CATEGORY.

All riders in the True Grit 50 will also be ranked in the appropriate NUE category and awarded points.

True Grit 100 Open Male, Female, Single Speed, or Masters Male, Master Female

True Grit 50 Open Male, Female, Single Speed or Masters Male, Master Female

These rules apply in addition to the rules below. For a complete list of the rules visit NUEMTB.com

Junior 50 Rules

  1. No one under the age of 14 may race
  2. Ages are determined by the racers’ age on race day.
  3. Fill out the online Application ( found on registration page notes)
    1.  Application MUST be filled out by EVERY JR racer under 18 and fully completed by  February 20.  No JR late entries will be accepted.
    2. Email waivers and applications WILL NOT be accepted. You must submit it online.
  4. To qualify you demonstrate endurance and technical ability by submitting a race resume.
    1. note: NICA races alone do not qualify a minor to do this race regardless of standings
  5. Racers between 14 -16 must submit a resume and proof of successful pre-ride( GPX or STRAVA Link finishing 8 hours or less)  or previous True Grit Epic finish.
      1. The JR has completed a previous True Grit Race with a submitted finish time/ OR
      2. The JR was previously approved, but could not attend the race year
      3. The JR completes course pre-rides ( in different segments) Must include Zen, Barrel Ride, and Barrel Rolls + 6-hour training ride with Strava/Gramin provided for all/OR
      4. The JR completes the race resume with training rides & the parent is riding with the child in the race. ( proof of registration required)
    2. Do Not Send us your Strava Profile. You must send the exact link of the ride(s) to be considered.
  6. All racers under 18 must have a chaperon on site watching out for their racing progress.

50 Mile Relay Rules

Always wanted to try the True Grit but your not quite ready?  Then race with a friend. Each teammate will do approximately half the course.

You may enter the DUO/Relay category as a single or mixed gender team. The minimum age of 14 for a Duo team is the same as the 50 mile. A JR racer must still qualify and submit the waiver documents. The qualifying distance is 1/2 however.

The team will be given a baton  and number plates with the same number. The baton will transfer from one racer to the next. You must show the baton to the check point official and at the finish line. You may only  transition at the Zen Feed Zone.

The transitioning person must park at the top of Green Valley Drive and ride down the hill to the transition zone.


Riders will receive a finish prize.

Challenge 15 Rules

The Challenge Ride has a minimum age of 12. No exceptions. Rider must be the minimum age on the day of the race.

All Jr Riders under 14 must be riding with a parent but riders do not need to qualify to ride this category.

All riders under 18 must submit the JR waiver prior to being moved from the waitlist into the event. FILL WAIVER HERE.

A pre-ride is not required for the Challenge category.

Riders will get the same experience by riding the same course as the 100 & 50-mile riders, only shorter.  So be aware there are steep drop-offs and ledges to navigate.

There are no Cut-Off points

All other rules below apply


With the exception of the youth restrictions above, your race age is the age you will be turning in the present year. ie. if you are 49 on race day, but will turn 50 in may, you will race in the 50 + category.


Starting times will be staggered according to your race, category, and est finish time.  A colored dot on the front of your number plate designates your waive. You must line up and race with your start wave. We use a programmed chip time. If you jump the gun you will be given a DNS.   Jumping the gun is cheating. You may start in a later wave and your actual start time will be your official start time. 


No-Passing Zones:  There is a 1 mile no passing zone through the Bear-Claw Poppy habitat. Racers’ tires must remain on the trail tread at all times. There are several pull-outs where a front racer may pull over to allow a racer by. These sections will be strictly enforced so that we can maintain a permit to race this section.  Markers will indicate “NO PASS ZONE”

Safety Passing Zones: These are zones where passing a racer could cause injury to one or both racers due to technical conditions. There are about 5 of these sections on the course and they will be marked with “SAFETY ZONE”. A racer must make sure a front rider is clear of the obstacle before proceeding. If a racer must dismount they must be safely to the side to allow racers to proceed.

Alternative Lines: There are several areas where alternative lines are OK. These are short spurs in the trail that avoid challenging lines. They are marked with ” ALT LINES OK”. On the Bearclaw Poppy trail, there are alt lines built into the system. They are marked with Green Circle or Blue Square.  Any line marked with official BLM markers are OK. On Stucki Springs there is a big hill that you can go straight up or around.

Going off trail or short-cutting the course is never OK and will be grounds for disqualification.


  1. The race starts are staggered by category by wave based on your category and estimated finish time.
  2. The race ends at 7 PM. All racers must be off course by 7 pm or receive a DNF on official results.
  3. We reserve the right to cancel or shorten the race as needed due to weather or other trail conditions for the safety of all racers and the longevity of the event.
  4. All results will be available online and live during the race. It is the racers’ responsibility to check that their finish time was recorded.
  5. Only the top 5  will be posted. There will be a 20-minute protest period before the awards ceremony for each category.
  6. Only podium disputes will be accepted during the event. All other disputes or timing errors must be submitted in writing, with proof, to Info@groraces.com. Disputes will be accepted up to 5 days from the end of the event;  at which time all results will become final.


  1. Lap Check Points: There will be 3 checkpoints for Epic 50 racers and 6 for 100-mile racers.
  2. Timing Cut-off Points: There will be 3 cut-off points determined by the slowest possible time to finish the course by 7 PM. Checkpoints apply to all 50 and 100-mile categories equally.
  3. ➡ Bottom of the ZEN ( feed zone 1 ) leaving Zen 3:30
  4. ➡Junction of Stucki RD & Rim Runner access 5:00
  5. ➡Start of Barrel Rolls  (feed zone 2) 5:30
  6. ALL racers not reaching the checkpoints by the designated times will have their number marked and radioed in and will be instructed to head directly back to the finish or to the nearest aid station to get picked up.  Time cut-off at Barrel Rolls applies to any lap of the Barrel Rolls. There will be NO exceptions to these times.


  1. All backcountry bicycle event participants are required to wear eye protection and a helmet that complies with U.S. CPSC safety standards for bicycle helmets.
  2. Each rider is expected to complete the entire course. If they do not the participant is considered a Did Not Finish (DNF). If a rider is a DNF they should not cross the finish line. They should report to an Official they are no longer on the course and did not complete the ride.
  3. The nature of mountain biking requires a mountain biker to be self-supported. Endurance events are a mild deviation from the solo backcountry experience. Participants are allowed to accept support from other registered event participants, official event aid stations, or crew support stationed at aid stations on the course.
  4. The course is closed. Non-registered riders are prohibited from entering the course during the race.
  5. Be responsible for your belongings and don’t throw trash on the trail.
  6. Be nice to your fellow racers, always announce when you are passing and make sure they have a safe place to pull over, especially in the technical parts.
  7. Remember the desert is a fragile place, try to only pass when there is room, try to wait for a wide spot in the trail, and try not to create an unnecessary widening of the single track.
  8. If you need to stop and take a break make sure you are well off course in a hardened area.


True Grit Epic is a bicycle marathon event along the BLM managed single track trails and dirt roads of rural Washington County UT. For the purpose of this event, “bicycle” is defined as “a vehicle consisting of a frame mounted on two wheels one behind the other, and having a seat, handlebars for steering, two hand-operated brakes, and propelled solely by the operator via two pedals connected to the rear wheel by chain or belt. “E-Bikes” are not permitted by the BLM and will NOT be allowed under any circumstances.

Other Event Rules and Etiquette

Environmental Protection

St George Utah is on the edge of 3 eco-tones and therefore is home to many rare plants and animals that may not be found in other parts of the world. The race course travels through habitat for the bear-claw poppy , desert tortoise, and lands with cryptobiotic soils.

We are able to obtain a permit every year to host this event because of many special protection measure that we take to avoid harming any adjacent habitat. First and foremost research has shown that in general mountain bike racers are more aware and concerned for their outdoor environment. Please take a moment to learn about the local St George area and the sensitive habitat you will be traveling through.


Camping Rules

  1. All camping spots are by reservation and you must display a permit in your car window.
  2. Alcohol is not allowed on city property. If you bring beer to the event, be discrete about where you drink it. Do not dispose of beer bottles or cans in city trash receptacles.
  3. All dogs must be on a leash
  4. Please Clean -up any trash.

Venue and Beer Garden

Please watch for cars when crossing Santa Clara Blvd and only use the cross-walk.

There will be a beer garden at the 2019 event.  You must drink inside the designated area. Only 2 beers per participant will be allowed.

If you bring a beer to the venue follow these rules so you don’t get busted.

  1. You must be 21 to have a beer.
  2. Do not drink on the City property. Only on the private property or street
  3. Hide your beer. Bring a water bottle or cup to pour it into.